100 days to 100%
Friends, this moment has been a long time coming!
Since our marriage 5 1/2 years ago years our family has been actively loving & serving others. It’s barely ever been easy but it’s always been worth it. We’ve had a dozen adults transition through our home over the years, some from homelessness, some from Recovery, some simply needing a stepping stone between defining life moments. Then, in June of 2018 we discovered the world of foster-care, and began adding struggling teenagers into our mix.
In a world that strives for “balance” in life, we were the poster-couple for extremes. What is “balance” when people are hungry, homeless, and orphaned? Is “balance” a mindset only for the privileged? These are questions we wrestled with as we lived 24/7 with troubled people and dark social issues. And our conclusion? Balance stinks. Balance ignores the constantly shifting realities of a life on mission. Balance strives to even-out problems that by nature are unbalanced, and therefore dismisses our heart’s call to action because it does not fit into “balance!” No, we need to move away from balance and just plain move towards people. Rest when needed, then get up and run again.
So here we are, wrapping up our first year of unbalanced full-time ministry in our local community. We love what we do and have been running strong for 5 years. We have decided to leave our careers completely behind us, and spend the rest of our days giving our time, energy, and efforts to people who find themselves in the blind-spots of society.
“100 Days to 100% Funding” is exactly that - we have 100 days to spread awareness and put together the special group of people who will support us in prayer, spirit, and sponsorship.
We are hitting the road to begin with every person we know, to reconnect with all the relationships God has already placed in our lives, to pray with you and break bread (or drink coffee) with you, to laugh and catch-up, and yes, to gently invite you to consider coming onto our team. But above all, we want to make it known that you are important to us and we’re thankful for you ~ 100%!
This is our journey, we hope you will walk far with us. Thank you!